Global SpecifiCity
The event by Radio Slovenia titled GlobalSpecifiCity/(Za)slišati svet, featuring symphonic concerts, performances, installations, and the AIR platform. Art for babies, toddlers, their parents and all lovers of music and sound.

From Thursday, 15 June 2023, till Sunday, 18 June 2023, Radio Slovenia, +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (Muzej moderne umetnosti Metelkova) , the ZRC SAZU Atrium, and +MG | Museum of Modern Art (Moderna Galerija) present a series of concerts and sound events.

From Thursday, 15 June 2023, till Sunday, 18 June 2023, several locations in Ljubljana are hosting the GlobalSpecifiCity B-AIR Festival of Sound. During four days, Radio Slovenia, +MSUM |Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (Muzej moderne umetnosti Metelkova) the ZRC SAZU Atrium, and +MG | Museum of Modern Art (Moderna Galerija) will hold a series of concerts and sound events intended for babies, toddlers, their parents and all lovers of music and sound.
Showcased will be two new symphony orchestra works for infants and babies, alongside broadcast sound works, featured performances and sound installations. Available for listening will also be the platform AIR – an artistic online radio channel supported by innovative technology in collaboration with Institute “Jožef Stefan”. In addition to Slovenian creators active at home and internationally, the festival features participation of Belgian, Bosnian, and German artists.
Global Specificity - Introductory video
All days in one file: GlobalSpecificity Programme
Overview of the event in sound form: Global SpecifiCity Event Overview
Thursday, 15 June 2023
The opening day will be dedicated to the presentation of two new symphony orchestra works for infants and babies. Matej Bonin with his work Perpetuum mobile II and Svetlana Maraš with her Defiance of the Glorious Children are composers who created new works for the youngest audiences within the framework of the project B-AIR, following that by Larisa Vrhunc.
The RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra led by Steven Loy will be performing them in Studio 26 of Radio Slovenia, at 17.00 (for babies, toddlers and their parents) and at 19.30 (for adults). Attendance registration for the 17:00 concert is available at this link, and for the 19.30 one here. There is no entry fee, the number of places is limited. Direct broadcast begins on ARS Radio at 19.30 hours.
Friday, 16 June 2023
From 18.00 to 22:00 you can attend the presentation of the Sound LifeLine project (Testifying the Siege (documentary) projections in the ZRC SAZU Atrium in English and Bosnian at 18:15 and 20:00) that originated within the framework of the International Burch University in Sarajevo, one of the B-AIR project partners.
In the auditorium of +MG | Museum of Modern Art (Moderna Galerija), Belgian author Aernoudt Jacobs will be staging the live audiovisual installation What Dogs Hear at 15:00, 16:00 and 17:00 hours. His performances will be featuring the participation of vocalists Ina Puntar, Tea Vidmar, Žiga Jenko and Tisa Neža Herlec.
Listeners of Ars Radio will be able to tune into the artistic program through talks and live broadcasts: What Dogs Hear airs between 13.05 and 14.00, while airwaves between 18.00 and 19.00 feature the electroacoustic sound composition by Haris Sahačić and the radio adaptation of installation testimonies by Mirsada Zećo, both part of the Sound Lifeline project.
Saturday, 17 June 2023
Saturday will be the liveliest festival day. Events will mainly take place in the +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova and in front of it. At 11.00, the +MSUM stage will present the composition Cradling the World by Tomaž Rauch with a live performance by the author; repeated on the same day at 19.00 hours. At 12.00 the same stage will feature the platform AIR – artistic online radio channel supported by innovative technology. Simultaneously, the inside of the +MSUM will present two sound installations: Sing, Pillow, Sing by Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman and Sound Journey by Blaž Pavlica.
The location will also feature the exhibition of children's drawings made in Slovenian kindergartens in the framework of the March festival of radio plays for babies and toddlers, Listening Together. At 16.00, 17.00 and 18.00, the duo Merzouga will be performing its improvisation From Womb to World to World of Wonders on the stage before the +MSUM.
In the auditorium of +MG | Museum of Modern Art (Moderna Galerija), Belgian author Aernoudt Jacobs will be staging the live audiovisual installation What Dogs Hear from 10:00.
In the ZRC SAZU Atrium you can again attend the presentation of the Sound Lifeline project from 9.00 to 22:00 (film projections in English and Bosnian at 13:00, 14:00 and 15:00).
On Saturday as well, Radio Slovenia Ars Programme will be broadcasting festival happenings live from the +MSUM at Metelkova in Ljubljana. Aired from 12.05 till 13.00 will be the opening of sound installations (Sing, Pillow, Sing and Sound Journey) and talks with all three authors. Radio waves will go live again between 17.00 and 18.00 with members of duo Merzouga, and between 19.00 and 20.00 with Tomaž Rauch.
Sunday, 18 June 2023
The festival concludes on Sunday, when visitors can see the installations by Irena Pivka and Brane Zorman, Blaž Pavlica at the +MSUM; Aernoudt Jacobs in the +MG | Museum of Modern Art (Moderna Galerija); and Haris Sahačić in the ZRC SAZU Atrium, while the AIR platform will be available for listening on the stage before the +MSUM, Metelkova.

Gregor Pirš, Head of the Serious Music Editorial of Ars Radio, said about the upcoming festival: "The festival presents different aspects of what we have been working on in the field of music in recent years, since the beginning of the B-AIR project. The common denominator is to integrate the radio medium, science, and art in search of a new sensibility of bringing sound art closer to what we call the child psyche. On the one hand is the youngest audience, who become the consumers of art 'for grown-ups', and on the other are the artists themselves. By studying scientific research on the impact of sound and by meeting the youngest audiences (babies, toddlers) and vulnerable groups, they are embarking on a new artistic experience; which, at least in our opinion, has great transformative potential."
The project Sound Lifeline is best explained by Haris Sahačić: "The project is based on academic research and the recorded testimonies of fifteen survivors of the siege of Sarajevo, and combines three artistic elements. The documentary film Narrating the Siege with testimonies of the memories of the sounds of war by the authors Lejla Odobašić Novo and Emir Klepo, the electroacoustic sound composition Symphony of the Siege by the composer Haris Sahačić, and the sound composition Peace based on the music therapy research of Mirsada Zećo."
A symphonic concerto for babies and toddlers
Installation and vocal performance
Installation / An Electrocustic sound composition
Thursday, June 16th at 18:00, Atrium of the Slovenian Academy of Science
Testifying the Siege (documentary)
Projections in ZRC SAZU Atrium, June 16h 2023, 18:15 and 20:00
A live performance by the author
Saturday, June 17th, at 11:00, 19:00 and 21:00 in front of +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
Saturday, June 17th from 12:00 and Saturday, June 18th from 12:00 in front of +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
Sound installations at +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
Opening on Saturday, June 17th, 12:05
Exhibition of children's drawings
Opening on Saturday, June 17th, at 12:05 at +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
Improvised performance
About the festival and the B-AIR project
The festival is conducted within the framework of Radio Slovenia's third program, Ars Program, and is part of the activities marking its 60th anniversary. Other participants include the Ljudmila laboratory for science and art, the Mreža cultural and arts association, self-employed cultural worker Nataša Serec, ZRC SAZU, Imago Sloveniae, and Flanders – state of art.
The festival is also part of the three-year B-AIR project, in which nine partner organisations from seven European countries, led by Radio Slovenia, are exploring the role of sound in human development. The B-AIR project is a close collaboration between artists and established international experts in the fields of developmental psychology, neurophysiology, neuropsychology, psychoacoustics, music therapy, music pedagogy, etc. The project is financially supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
More on the project is found on the websites and at