Sound LifeLine

Testifying the Siege (documentary)

Projections in ZRC SAZU Atrium, June 16h 2023, 18:15 and 20:00


Research into sound trauma and practices of sonic remembering exploring the modes of dealing with war trauma through sonic remembering.

Psychological trauma is not caused by sound; however, sound often plays a prominent role within the intersensorial assault within which people in wartime witness traumatic and traumatizing events, and as such serves as a prominent trigger of the symptoms commonly gathered under the label of post-traumatic stress.

Research has been funded through the B-AIR project and is presented within the projectSound of War: Trauma through Sound (Research into sound trauma and practices of sonic remembering) in the Research section.

The research is further developed through artistic creation of the electro-acoustic installation entitled “Symphony of the Siege” and an accompanying documentary which presents the testimony of fifteen survivors.

Resulting documentary Testifying the Siege, also presented within the Global Specificity event in Ljubljana, is available in Bosnian and in English.