The value of joint listening in creating attunement between babies, toddlers and kindergarten teachers

Presentation at NeuroCog conference 2023

Developmental neuroscientists have repeatedly demonstrated and confirmed that listening is the portal to trigger the entire social engagement system and that certain types of music and voice do trigger a sense of safety. Optimal development of the baby’s and toddler’s brain is only possible in an attuned and safe relationship with the available and attuned caregiver. The goal of the research, conducted as part of the B-AIR international project in cooperation with Radio Slovenia, was to enable teachers to include joint listening of radio plays as a part of their daily kindergarten routine and make it more inspiring and pleasant for children. Carefully created musical radio plays for babies and toddlers were chosen and sent to 34 kindergarten groups of children (aged 1 to 3 years and 4 to 5 years). We explored which radiophonic elements invoke safety and calms the babies and toddlers and which were the key for invoking interest, emotional response, and attention in children. With the results of qualitative research, obtained by triangulation of data (observation, analysis of children's drawings, teacher's feedback), we found that the dynamics, rhythm, and dialogic nature of the fairy tale are vital to maintaining the child's attention, whereas broadly interwoven radiophonic elements effect a deeper sensory experience. Listening to radiophonic works is quite challenging for children, so a safe and properly prepared environment and the presence of an adult is advised. Through this experience teachers found out that listening helps them connect with children and enables better regulation of the group.

NEUROCOG 2023 PosterPresentations