We presented the exhibition of children's drawings made in Slovenian kindergartens in the framework of the March festival of radio plays for babies and toddlers, Listening Together. Slovenian kindergarten children listened to radio plays and created together. With their teachers, they made a colorful collage of friendship, joy and the discovery of how precious we are to one another in togetherness, listening attentively to stories, to each other, and to ourselves. The exhibition was accompanied with two poster presentations on Art and science for the well-being of children and adults.
Poster presentation Initial steps towards introducing music in Slovenian healthcare
Initial steps towards introducing music in Slovenian healthcare_poster presentation
Poster presentation Listening Together - Hearing the World: The role of sound art in infant and toddler development
Listening Together - Hearing the World_poster presentation
Power point presentation Art and science for the well-being of children and adults