This is a story about the visible and the invisible, tangible and intangible, audible and inaudible.
A story about discovering the world around us through the creation of a fantasy world.
A game where the two worlds merge and become life.
The game that is important for all children and for all adults.
The theatre show "WOW!" was created within the program "Welcome of the World", which BAZAART is developing through the collaborative European project B-AIR.
The program concept "Welcome of the world" promotes the pedagogical power of art in the development of the child. At the core of the concept lies the cooperation of pedagogues and artists on the development of artistic content intended for the audience of early age, with the aim of establishing and strengthening the role of art in the upbringing and education of young generations and providing support to cultural professionals for intersectoral cooperation.
Through this project, we support an open, active, exploratory attitude of a child between the ages of 3 and 5, towards the world. Through artistic programs, we encourage the dispositions of the child for learning about the world and in the world: curiosity, courage, persistence, creativity, critical thinking and sensitivity for the others.
Following the contemporary music composition by Irena Popović and the poetic narrative by Bogdan Španjević, this show brings the concept "Welcome of the World" to theatrical expression, creating foundations for the steps to follow: creative drama and dance workshops for preschool children and a poetic radio play.
The authors of the show:
Director: Miha Golob
Assistant director: Marijana Petrović
Stage designers: Jelena Stojanović, Miha Golob
Costume designer: Dajana Ljubičić
Sound designer: Dragan Petrović
Light designer: Paun Pavlović
Performers: Tatjana Piper Stanković, Lana Adžić, Maja Jovanović Spasojević, Miloš Anđelković, Mladen Vuković
Illustration by Jelena Stojanović
The team of artists and pedagogues engaged in the development of the concept:
Sunčica Milosavljević, concept author and artistic director
Nevena Mitranić, pedagogue;
Marija Jovanović, preschool teacher
Bogdan Španjević, dramaturge
Irena Popović, composer
Ana Čorić, music pedagogue
Nataša Milojević, drama and dance pedagogue
Jelena Stojanović, artistic coordinator
The production is supported by the European Commission through the Creative Europe program and by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia.