Saturday, June 17th, 16:00, 17:00 and 18:00 in front of +MSUM | Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova
The duo Merzouga's improvisation with electronics, modified bass guitar, toys, recordings of Slovenian children's songs and field recordings weaves a rich web of references, addressing the memories, experiences and associations of children and adult listeners. By combining familiar sonorities, simple musical forms and unexpected techniques of contemporary electro-acoustic and improvised music, the musicians aim to offer a performance that avoids the clichés of "children's music", but at the same time presents an accessible sonic experience.
How to describe From Womb to World to World of Wonders ("Od maternice v svet v svet čudes")? "From the moment we first open our ears in the womb, we are connected to a continuum of sound. The world is full of rhythmic pulsations and melodies created by life. Always and everywhere, we perceive and emit them at the same time. The life of the city, its voices and sonorities become part of the duo's live performance. To listen is to connect. When we open our ears to the world around us, the world becomes a womb. We realize that we are part of a fluctuating web of life embracing our entire planet."

Duo Merzouga consists of Eva Poepplein, musician working on improvised electroacoustic music, and Janko Hanushevsky, bassist and radiophonic artist. For two decades they have been creating sound performances, radio projects and sound installations, guided by the curious exploration of life and the sounds it produces. They also parent two kids.