Sound Lifeline featured on 3. program Radia Slovenija – program ArsRadio Slovenia Zvok kot nit življenja

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As part of the B Air sound festival Globalspecificity / (To) hear the world, the project Sound Lifeline was presented in the Atrium of ZRC SAZU in Ljubljana, which was created based on research by the International Burch University from Sarajevo. Under the leadership of Lejla Odobašić Novo, the participants explored the soundscape and the role of sound during the siege of Sarajevo, which lasted from 1991 to 1995. Based on the testimonies of the survivors, they prepared a project in which they highlighted the connections between sound, space, memory and the war. They connected three artistic elements. Documentary film Narrating the Siege with testimony about memories of military sounds by Lejla Odobašić Novo and Emir Klep, electroacoustic sound composition Symphony of the Siege by composer Haris Sahačić and sound composition Peace, which was created on the basis of music therapy research by Mirsada Zećo.
