Sound studies and deaf studies correlations

Dana Papachristou

Throughout Audibility project’s work for B-AIR – music for babies,toddlers and vulnerable groups, we have been arguing for the convergence of sound and deafness, both in practice and in theory. With this article we attempt to articulate an overview of the team’s aspirations and points of reference.We will trace the thought of Friedner and Helmreich (Friedner, Michele & Helmreich, Stefan, “Sound Studies Meet Deaf Studies”, Senses and Society, vol. 7.1, 2012, pp. 72-86) so as to follow the overlap between possible common zones, such as non-spoken communication, visual and technological conditions, vibration and vibrotactility. Moreover, we will set a theoretical framework for further research through art, educational modules and participatory workshops. Lastly, we will provide examples of such endeavors from local (Greece) or international artists and researchers.