Sound mediation for babies, toddlers, and vulnerable groups: challenges and potentials of radiophonic art

Ana Čorić

The aim of this research is to introduce manifold and divergent practices of sound mediation, an artistic-educational field which encompasses specialized individual and group concepts made by sound professionals from various backgrounds for different audiences. In order to investigate challenges and potentials of radiophonic art mediation for babies, toddlers, and vulnerable groups, the research draws on theoretical perspectives and possible interrelations between music and sound pedagogy, community music and Musikvermittlung, as well as the radiophonic theatre as a special form of music theatre.The research was conducted in RadioTheatre Bajsić & Friends in Zagreb from 2020 to 2023, as one of the partners within the international project B-Air Infinity Radio – Creating sound art for babies, toddlers and vulnerable groups. Sound materials used in the research are radiophonic theatre plays for children (The Tree that Sang, Wars of the Worlds), radio plays for babies (Music Kitchen) and toddlers (Sluško the Dwarf),created and produced by Radiotheatre Bajsić and RTV Slovenia.Using different types of qualitative research methodology and data collected in kindergartens, festivals, specialized events, and family homes,the research offers insight into experimental sound mediation practices and possibilities, with special focus devoted to the topics: (1) vulnerability of spaces; (2) profiles of a ‘sound mediator’, and (3) specificities of radiophonic art in terms of sound mediation.