Music and Autism

Tailoring Methods for Music Involvement for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

The research was initiated spontaneously during Katarina Kurtjak's teaching, prompted by the dearth of literature and didactic tools available for music instruction tailored to neurodivergent children. Rather than emphasizing mastery of the instrument and theory, the lessons prioritized leveraging musical engagement to enhance the well-being and personal development of the children. The primary objective of the research was to pinpoint effective pedagogical approaches and methods for teaching music and fostering inclusion among children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), specifically in piano instruction. Secondary aims included: 1) exploring novel means of communication through music to positively impact the children's well-being, cognitive, motor, and socio-emotional skills simultaneously; 2) monitoring progress and enhancing the quality of lessons; and 3) devising innovative methods for documenting and showcasing advancements in the aforementioned areas for children with ASD engaged in music activities.

Within the final phases of the research we organized a webinar on the topic, presented the research at a symposium Sound and Music in the Lived Experience of Babies, Toddlers and Vulnerable Groups and at the annual symposium at the Academy of music in ljubljana: The Art of Inclusion and Unification Throught Music in November 2023. We also created a radiophonic essay Faces of Autism.

Faces of Autism

Radiophonic essay on making and teaching music to children with ASD