The Art of Composing Music for the Infants and Toddlers – composers' perspective

Original Scientific Article in Performance Science - Frontiers in Psychology

Habe, K., Simonič, T.M., Laure, M.,(in press). The Art of Composing Music for the Infants and Toddlers – composers' perspective. Performance Science - Frontiers in Psychology.

The purpose of our qualitative research was to get an insight into the creative process of composing for babies and toddlers from the composers’ perspective. We aimed to fill the gap in research studies in the composing process for the youngest. We wanted to investigate, which are the specifics of composing for the youngest, if there are any, and what challenges composers for the youngest usually confront. Five composers who were selected to compose music works for babies and toddlers in the B-AIR project, participated in our study. Semi-structured interviews were performed, and data was analyzed with thematic analysis, based on grounded theory.