Sound and Music in Child Development (2)

Cognitive and Socio-Emotional Development in the Preschool Years - Guidelines for the Design of an Artistic Programme

When designing an arts programme for specific age groups of children, it is necessary to bear in mind their developmental characteristics. How they think, how long they can keep their attention, what catches their attention, what content interests them – this is the subject of the conversation with Ajda Ross, head of the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre's artistic programme, and Zvezdana Novaković, music creator and performer. The broadcast was prepared by dr. Katarina Habe.

How does cognitive and socio-emotional development in the preschool period co-shape the guidelines for program design? Dr. Katarina Habe contemplates this in dialogue with MSc. Martina Peštaj, media psychologist and editor of the Children and Youth Program at Television Slovenia.