Creative Europe: Sounds and Memories
Aired on 25 February 2023, live from the Radio Belgrade 1 studio
In a kind of "national" show, we asked people over the age of 75 which sounds are pleasant and which are not, and why, and how they remember them and whether they remember them for a specific reason. Interesting answers take us back to childhood and youth - to the countryside, to nature, we will think about what and why they associate screeching, and what sirens. About the importance of sound during our lives. How and why we remember them, how emotions are involved in everything, and how we perceive sounds from the perspective of radio as a medium - we talked with Dr. Mirjana Nikolić, media theorist and rector of the University of Arts in Belgrade, Dr. Bojana Škorc, psychologist and anthropologist Sara Nikolić. The editor and host of the show are Nikoleta Dojčinović.

Sounds and Recollection: Pearls, Witches, and Other Fables
Aired on 29 April 2023, on Radio Belgrade 2, RTS
This documentary show is a unique fabric of intertwined memories, emotions, and fate of people from Vojvodina, BiH, Šumadija, Eastern Serbia, Belgrade, Montenegro,... One of the participants in the show says, "All living things have their own sound, and it can undergo metamorphosis into tone" - this documentary drama opens up the question of how the aging population (the youngest interlocutor is 78 years old). The croaking of frogs, the creaking of doors, the sound of a World War II “Stuka” plane, the chirping of chickens, the rustling of grass, the ringing of telephones. The rattling of wooden village carts, the accordion, or the sound of a pinball ball - all this is a kind of sound symphony of pleasant and unpleasant memories and feelings of the participants in this show, seasoned with the colors of the voices, diction, and dialects of the interlocutors. The author of the show is Nikoleta Dojčinović, the director is Vesna Perić.
2023 RTS, booklet, Sound and Recollections Pearls, Witches and Other Fables

European Evening of Sounds
Aired on May 29, 2023, on Radio Belgrade 1
RTV Slo, YLE, and RTS participated in the international show on the topic of sounds and memories. The shows were broadcast directly on Slovenian (Ljubljana) and Finnish (Helsinki) radio, while on Radio Belgrade 1, the show was broadcast with a delay. All three shows were different. Thus, in this show on Radio Belgrade 1, all three countries participated in the first segment, Serbia and Slovenia in the second, and Finland and Serbia at the very end about life stories through sound memories. Other countries had similar, yet different concepts. Thus, on Radio Belgrade 1, we could hear the sound of a “Smedrevac” or the tying of hair, how snow falls from the roof, or howling jackals in Finland, the Belgrade bus station in the second half of the 20th century, or the story of a collector of sounds from Slovenia. The editor and presenter in the studio in Belgrade were Nikoleta Dojčinović, in Slovenia Ana Marija Štukelj, and in Finland Juka Mikola.