Earlet the Gnome and the Mysterious Doors (A135), a radioplay for babies, toddlers, and preschool children, is a project which encourages their development through concentrated listening. It is a series of short radio games in which each thematizes a specific sound from the environment and names it. There are riddles in each episode. In 2023 RadioTeatar began with an evaluation process of 10 episodes, using a/r/tography as a special form of arts-based action research to test possibilities of listening process development with children in kindergarten and first grades of the elementary school. In March and April 2023 in two kindergartens in the Zagreb area (DV Košnica, Gajnice and DV Trnoružica) we tested radioplays. For the purpose of turning listening into a joint process we created a story which includes all episodes. The final version of the story was crafted after testing it five times with children aged 4-7 in kindergartens and in the hospital.

More on: radioteatar.hr