B-AIR – Art Infinity_Radio eBook (PDF, 440 pages, 161 Mb)
The purpose of the book is to convey the learning from the project, relevant for researchers, artists and practitioners wishing to explore and apply sound art in its many intersections with life and society.
Striving to meet many readers, the contributions in the book follow two main lines – ‘Research-to-Create’ and ‘Create-to-Research’ – which were the guiding principles in our project work. The content of the book is hence also twofold, comprising the theoretical and artistic reflections and creations.
The book is divided in eight sections corresponding to wider themes treated by one or more partners. Within the chapters, further distinctions have been made by specific topics. From exploring sound art for/with children and vulnerable groups, to reimagining the radio of 21st century, numerous professionals from various scientific and artistic fields gave their contribution to the project and this publication in the following chapters:
- I - Art of Sound and the Childhood
- II - Audibility: Approaching Deaf Experience(s) with Sound Art
- III - Sonic Remembering
- IV - Sound Art and Medicine
- V - Sound Ambiances
- VI - Documentaries Step Ahead
- VII - Evaluating Audio Works for the Young and the Vulnerable
- VIII - AIR Channel.
Many papers on research and creative processes, methods, practices, and evaluations, artistic statements, illustrations as well as entire artworks and productions are included in this publication. For further inquiries, additional contact information, references, and external links to more detailed sources are also provided.
Jelena Stojanović, MA
Publication Editor
Sunčica Milosavljević, Ph.D.
Publication Editor-in-Chief
BAZAART Representative Association in Culture,
Belgrade, Serbia